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What Pride Month Means to Me

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A lot of people have a lot of things to say about pride month. The world is undeniably changing, for the better and worse, which means that pride this year has even more meaning. As a poet, and member of in the LGBTQ+ community, this is what pride month means to me.

Pride Month is an Opportunity

As humans, we tend to relate to one another via our differences. Black, white, gay, straight. The list of opposites can go on and on. Pride month is an opportunity to set aside many of them. Rather than focusing on our differences, we can collectively focus on 1 community – the LGBTQ+ community.

Pride is celebratory, but equally eye-opening. In addition to the amazing strides our society has taken to welcome and protect members of this community, steps back are taken every day as well.


This month, I take the opportunity to educate myself.

No, just because I’m a lesbian doesn’t mean I know all of the gay things, people.

We can all be better at listening to one another, and understanding the unique experiences of each faction of this community. Pride is a great time to bridge those gaps.

Pride Month is for Reflecting

There’s no lack of history in the LGBTQ+ community. From political movements, trends in culture and art, and worldwide demonstrations, there’s no shortage of things to reflect on.

In addition, some inward reflection is also great. Pride month can bring up a lot of, well, feelings. From coming out, to family and friends, and everything else, pride month can be a fun but also an emotional experience. Check in with yourself and your squad.

Celebrate Pride All Year

Yes, pride month is awesome. The rainbows. The dancing. The community. It shows all of the progress we’ve made.

Remember, you don’t need to reserve your celebration of identity for just one month; celebrate pride all year. I’m trying to be better at this, which is why I’m so excited that my Kickstarter project, Closet Haikus, was funded. (You can still be a part of the project!)

I am THRILLED to start creating haikus from the coming out stories of dozens of members in the LGBTQ+ community. It’s going to be a wonderful adventure, and a great way to remind myself, and others, that pride is more than a parade and a party.

What Does Pride Mean to You?

So, what does pride, and pride month, mean to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!